I know this collage has a lot of writing, it will print in an 8X10 size when I print if off. If it's too hard to read, I will interpret!
Mykell fell down today while she was at the park with Elliot. She made him pretty
nervous because she was bleeding a lot. When he looked in her mouth her front tooth was bent back and another looked "broken". He took her strait to the dentist. He said she was pretty upset most of the way there and then was kind of in shock and very quiet. They did x-ray's
grinded down a couple teeth. They left her front tooth in for now, and are going to see if it will grow back in. She has to eat soft foods for 2 weeks, then we go back. If the tooth comes out he can make her a temporary bridge (a retainer with a tooth) who knows if she would keep it in! She has some pretty bad cuts on her lips and gums so she is using a mouthwash to prevent infections. She has bumps and bruises all over her face, poor little girl!