I also was FINALLY able to plant flowers and bushes in my back yard flower beds. We made the flower beds, but I was too sick last year to plant in them. I'm so excited to see them develop now. I love them so far. I also planted some bulbs, I can't wait to see how it turns out. I LOVE working in the yard. I missed it soo much last year. Now that Mykell has some fun things to do outside, it should be easier for me to be out there!

Then there is Port, he seems to have changed so much for me this week! He is officially in the four tooth club. His fourth tooth broke through earlier in the week. He is still not a crawler, but is now a climber. He can pull him self up. He only wants to stand if someone will help him. He is able to move himself on the floor (without crawling) to reach anything he wants. He cries now when I leave the room. Which can be hard, but cute as well. Because of the new climbing phase he had his first fall :( he fell of the bed and has two little sores, one by his eye, and the other above his ear. Sad!