Thursday, October 23, 2008

Sick Days!!

So this is totally random, but I'm sick. I have been thinking all day back to the "good old days." Remember when your mom would take care of you, make you warm soup, let you lay in front of the TV or in bed all day, and you had nothing to worry about. Now my "sick day" is no different from any other day, except more trips to the bathroom (sorry for the graphics!!). I have tried to get Mykell to watch movies or something with less running around but of course today she has extra amounts of energy!! So here is to the good old days, thanks mom!!!


The Douglas's said...

That totally sucks you are sick. I know what you mean, I don't even have kids yet, and I wish sometimes my mommy could just take care of me again! :) Ahh, the good ole days! Hope you feel betters oon

hannah said...

I'm sorry you are sick! Is there anything I can get for you?? Just let me know. I remember how nice it was to take the day off and all I had to worry about was getting better. Now I usually just work through it. Oh well. Get better soon! :)

AMY said...

That seems about right... how do husbands get off so easily? I think I became HIS mother when he's "under the weather."

Amy and Micheal said...

Sorry to hear you're not feeling well. That's never fun, especially with kids. My house goes to complete pot when I'm ill. Of course it doesn't help that it looked like that in the first place. If I was up in Logan, I'd bring you a nice hot bowl of soup. Hope you get feeling better soon!

The Garza's said...

Hey chicky- yes I still do vinyl- I just bought my own machine about a year ago and love it, I have tons of colors and fonts, so If you want anything just let me know -k- I am also sorry you are sick, that sucks! GET BETTER!