Sunday, November 30, 2008
Family Pictures
Posted by The Rich's at 10:37 PM 5 comments
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Porter as the Cuddly Lion

Posted by The Rich's at 10:51 PM 5 comments

Posted by The Rich's at 10:40 PM 3 comments
Garden City

Posted by The Rich's at 10:17 PM 2 comments
Friday, November 7, 2008
Picture Tag
So I was tagged by Hannah to find the 4th picture from my 4th file and here it is...It is a picture of by Brother-in-Law Dillon with my little Mykell. This is just before we took family pictures in October of 2006. Soooo cute huh!! I tag Kelli, Amy, Amy and Kym
Posted by The Rich's at 12:34 PM 4 comments
Monday, November 3, 2008
Happy Birthday Elliot!!!!
Elliot celebrated his 27th birthday on Sunday. On Saturday we spent the day with his family and had a fun dinner and cake and ice cream (I will write more about Saturday later when I have some pictures!!). Sunday we spent the day together just relaxing and going to church! We had family over Sunday night for cake and ice cream--thanks so much for coming everyone we had a lot of fun! I just wanted to say how much I love my cute husband and all the things he does for me and our little family. I am so glad we got to spend another year together! (I don't have a lot of pictures sorry! )Porter and Radley enjoying each others company!!!
Mykell helping dad blow out the candles---there were a lot so she was a little scared!!
Posted by The Rich's at 10:40 AM 4 comments
Well, Halloween was so much fun for me. We started out getting family pictures! This time to the studio was way better than the last disaster. Then I took the kids to some grandparents house. We then made a fun Halloween dinner for some family (I don't have very many pictures yet my memory card was full..I know I wasn't very prepared). We had a fun dinner and then took the kids the the ward party and trunk or treat. Mykell had a lot of fun. She was a cute little Tinkerbell--she even has Tinkerbell's stubborn personality!! She was so funny, I couldn't get her to say trick or treat, all she would say was "put it in the bucket" and sometimes a "please". I know not very polite. Porter was a cuddly lion. He is such a good sport he really just goes a long for the ride!!! (I don't have the best pictures, but my mother-in-law got some good ones on Saturday so I will post those later!)Mykell after a LONG day of eating WAY too much candy!!!
We tried hard to get a good picture of the three of us, this it the best we got!!
My cute little lion!!!!
Mykell enjoying her treats from Aunt Kelli---thanks Kelli!!
Posted by The Rich's at 10:12 AM 2 comments