Friday, March 20, 2009

New things!!

So "little" Porter has recently found his tongue, it is so funny. He has it out A LOT! Especially when he just wakes up and is in a pretty good mood! He likes to have it out when he is in his jumper. He just bounces up and down with his tongue wiggling--pretty funny! So he has officially got teeth!! It started the first of the week. Our poor little guy has handled it worse then RSV. He has had a fever most of the week, and been pretty grumpy (screaming for hours on end at times!). I think he has a cold on top (and I'm worried about another ear infection). Mykell and I have both had a cold so I'm pretty sure that's part of his problem. It is sad to seem him be so sad, he has NEVER been like this before. His bottom right tooth poked through on Tuesday evening, and this bottom left is working on it currently (hopefully he will cut it soon and will feel better!!). Who knew teething could be so bad!
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Rich's ScrapBlog said...

Poor little guy! I can't wait to see that little tooth! What a trooper!