Friday, December 19, 2008


So my husband is graduating from school this week!! Yaaaaaaa!! He has put in a total of 7 years of collage, and is earning his MBA! I am so proud of him. He has accomplished his while taking care of me (especially while I was sick), the kids, working full time, and church responsibilites. Congratulations Elliot--we love you!!!!!
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Welcome Home Elder Dunkley!!!!

My little brother came home from his mission yesterday!!! He has been serving in the Uganda Kampala mission the past two years, we were so lucky he came home a couple weeks early so we could have him for Christmas!! He had a 45 hour trip to make is back to us. I'm so excited to have him back. He did a wonderful job, and served the people of Uganda with all his heart! He talks pretty funny these days, but I guess we can over look that! My pictures are really bad I know, things were happening really fast, I don't even have any of his face (and he is really cute--single girls!!). I will get more pictures of him later. We are so happy so have him home and safe. Just in time for the snow storm!!

Let it SNOW!!!!

Mykell has LOVED the snow. She is out playing in it with Bentley at least 3 times a day. The first day that it snowed we couldn't find her gloves and hat, so before I could get out and buy some she was out playing. She didn't even care that her hands were ICE cold (I know I'm a bad mom for letting her play outside with out a hat and gloves--but she REALLY wanted too!). She is so funny, the first time she saw the snow she said "Look Mommy snowmen!!" She calls the snow snowmen, well after today we have lots and lots of snowmen in our yard! Oh, and yes she does have hats and gloves now! It's funny but I think she really just likes walking in the snow. She walks to the back fence and back to the porch over and over and over, weird huh!! (I'll get better pictures later!!)


This year we have had the opportunity to see Santa two different times so far. Once in the Mall, and Mykell made me hold her and she would go up to Santa, and take his present, but wanted nothing else to do with him. Then last week was Elliot's work party and they have a Santa, this time she wouldn't even go close :( , so no pictures of Mykell and Santa. She is very interested in him, but he is WAY too scary to go up close!! Porter on the other hand, he is all over this Santa business, have you seen that guy? There is A LOT to look at!! I guess we will try again with Mykell next year and by then little Porter will be scared!!

Friday, December 5, 2008


So really I'm writing this because I'm bored, and don't want to do what I should be doing!! Anyways I went downstairs today to the spare bedroom where I have been hiding all my Christmas stuff from Mykell and found 3/4 of a bad of candy cane Kiss wrappers all over the floor-ahhhh. I think Bentley ate them yesterday when I was shopping. I called the vet, they said that if it had been more than 4 hours it does no good to make them throw it up, so I'm just watching for side effects. I feel really bad!!! But so far he seems okay! I love it how they tell you if you see anything call us immediately and he will have to come in for IV's and such-- like shouldn't I be doing something other than waiting for bad things to happen??? In other news I think I'm done with my Christmas shopping, now I just have to get a few things made and I'm good!! Yea!!! Porter is getting his first tooth, I only noticed because he is extra slobbery these days, but I can see two edges of his bottom right middle tooth--what a champ! He hasn't even been fussy, just slobbery and wants to bite everything. He has his 4 month check up on monday. He has really just been a sweet heart. He only wakes up once from 10-4 and then 4-8, pretty good! He loves to smile and laugh at us. He loves his bath with Mykell, and she loves to look at his...... ahhhhh! Mykell is finally adjusting to having Porter in our home. She is starting to go to bed better, and act better in general. Hopefully the terrible two's are ending!! She is so cute she sings songs, dances and talks all day. It is so fun to see her learn and grow! Oh, and in other news Elliot is graduating in 2 weeks!!! My brother Brett is coming home from his mission in 2 weeks!!! I am going part time in 4 1/2 weeks!!! Sorry I know it's a lot of info, but like I said I am very bored!!

Thursday, December 4, 2008

100 Things

I saw this on my cousins page and thought it looked fun. Do it yourself! Copy and paste the list into your blog and bold or highlight the items you have done. Here we go....

1. Started your own blog

2. Slept under the stars

3. Played in a band

4. Visited Hawaii

5. Watched a meteor shower

6. Given more than you can afford to charity

7. Been to Disneyland

8. Climbed a mountain

9. Held a praying mantis

10. Sang a solo

11. Bungee jumped

12. Visited Paris

13. Watched a lightning storm at sea

14. Taught yourself an art from scratch

15. Adopted a child

16. Had food poisoning

17. Walked to the top of the Statue of Liberty

18. Grown your own vegetables

19. Seen the Mona Lisa in France

20. Slept on an overnight train

21. Had a pillow fight

22. Hitch hiked

23. Taken a sick day when you’re not ill

24. Built a snow fort

25. Held a lamb

26. Gone skinny dipping

27. Run a Marathon

28. Ridden in a gondola in Venice

29. Seen a total eclipse

30. Watched a sunrise or sunset

31. Hit a home run

32. Been on a cruise

33. Seen Niagara Falls in person

34. Visited the birthplace of your ancestors

35. Seen an Amish community

36. Taught yourself a new language

37. Had enough money to be truly satisfied

38. Seen the Leaning Tower of Pisa in person

39. Gone rock climbing

40. Seen Michelangelo’s David

41. Sung karaoke

42. Seen Old Faithful geyser erupt

43. Bought a stranger a meal at a restaurant

44. Visited Africa

45. Walked on a beach by moonlight

46. Been transported in an ambulance

47. Had your portrait painted

48. Gone deep sea fishing

49. Seen the Sistine Chapel in person

50. Been to the top of the Eiffel Tower in Paris

51. Gone scuba diving or snorkeling

52. Kissed in the rain

53. Played in the mud

54. Gone to a drive-in theater

55. Been in a movie

56. Visited the Great Wall of China

57. Started a business

58. Taken a martial arts class

59. Visited Russia

60. Served at a soup kitchen

61. Sold Girl Scout Cookies

62. Gone whale watching

63. Got flowers for no reason

64. Donated blood, platelets or plasma

65. Gone sky diving

66. Visited a Nazi Concentration Camp

67. Bounced a check

68. Flown in a helicopter

69. Saved a favorite childhood toy

70. Visited the Lincoln Memorial

71. Eaten Caviar

72. Pieced a quilt

73. Stood in Times Square

74. Toured the Everglades

75. Been fired from a job

76. Seen the Changing of the Guards in London

77. Broken a bone

78. Been on a speeding motorcycle

79. Seen the Grand Canyon in person

80. Published a book

81. Visited the Vatican

82. Bought a brand new car

83. Walked in Jerusalem

84. Had your picture in the newspaper

85. Read the entire Bible

86. Visited the White House

87. Killed and prepared an animal for eating

88. Had chickenpox

89. Saved someone’s life

90. Sat on a jury

91. Met someone famous

92. Joined a book club

93. Lost a loved one

94. Had a baby

95. Seen the Alamo in person

96. Swam in the Great Salt Lake

97. Been involved in a law suit

98. Owned a cell phone

99. Been stung by a bee

100. Totally copied a post from someone else's blog to your own

I've done 52! How about you?

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Family Pictures

So my amazingly talented mother-in-law took some wonderful pictures of us on Thanksgiving. Just after we enjoyed a wonderfull meal prepared by his grandmother!! My in-law's have a beautiful creek behind their house and it makes for some amazing (at least I think) pictures. We are still working on having all of us prepared for a picture at the same time, but hey at least we are trying!! I don't have time now, but maybe tomorrow I will add more of them.

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Saturday, November 15, 2008

Porter as the Cuddly Lion

My Mother-in-law took some great pictures of our little lion. I loved his warm cuddly costume Iwas so glad that we got some fun pictures of him in it. So even though Halloween has come and gone, I am still blogging about it--sorry. I just got the pictures yesterday and though they were so fun that I needed to share them even though they are a bit late!!!

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On November 1st we went to Bear Lake to see our family. We were so lucky to have "Grandma Debbie" be able to take soooo many wonderful pictures of our little kids. Here are some of my favorites of my little Tinkerbell. She is not the easiest fairy to get a good picture of, but when you can they are priceless!! She loves visiting her grandparents. Thanks so much Debbie for taking this beautiful pictures, we have wonderful memories forever!!!
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Garden City

We were able to go to Garden City the day after Halloween and have Elliot's grandma show us around the house and lot that she grew up in. It was so much fun and we got to hear some neat stories of her growing up. We had a lot of fun just getting together. Mykell had a blast being with her uncles and running around. I just loved finally seeing the place I had heard so much about. I can only imagine how much fun she must have had growing up there. My mother-in-law took some amazing pictures--I love them!! I just got them yesterday. Thanks so much Debbie for the great pictures!!!

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Friday, November 7, 2008

Picture Tag

So I was tagged by Hannah to find the 4th picture from my 4th file and here it is...

It is a picture of by Brother-in-Law Dillon with my little Mykell. This is just before we took family pictures in October of 2006. Soooo cute huh!! I tag Kelli, Amy, Amy and Kym

Monday, November 3, 2008

Happy Birthday Elliot!!!!

Elliot celebrated his 27th birthday on Sunday. On Saturday we spent the day with his family and had a fun dinner and cake and ice cream (I will write more about Saturday later when I have some pictures!!). Sunday we spent the day together just relaxing and going to church! We had family over Sunday night for cake and ice cream--thanks so much for coming everyone we had a lot of fun! I just wanted to say how much I love my cute husband and all the things he does for me and our little family. I am so glad we got to spend another year together! (I don't have a lot of pictures sorry! )
Porter and Radley enjoying each others company!!!
Mykell helping dad blow out the candles---there were a lot so she was a little scared!!


Well, Halloween was so much fun for me. We started out getting family pictures! This time to the studio was way better than the last disaster. Then I took the kids to some grandparents house. We then made a fun Halloween dinner for some family (I don't have very many pictures yet my memory card was full..I know I wasn't very prepared). We had a fun dinner and then took the kids the the ward party and trunk or treat. Mykell had a lot of fun. She was a cute little Tinkerbell--she even has Tinkerbell's stubborn personality!! She was so funny, I couldn't get her to say trick or treat, all she would say was "put it in the bucket" and sometimes a "please". I know not very polite. Porter was a cuddly lion. He is such a good sport he really just goes a long for the ride!!! (I don't have the best pictures, but my mother-in-law got some good ones on Saturday so I will post those later!)

Mykell after a LONG day of eating WAY too much candy!!!
We tried hard to get a good picture of the three of us, this it the best we got!!
My cute little lion!!!!
Mykell enjoying her treats from Aunt Kelli---thanks Kelli!!

Friday, October 31, 2008

Mykell's 1st Prayer

The other night I FINALLY got Mykell to say her own prayer. It was so cute I thought I had better share it. She started out "Dear Father, thanks for the's a holy place, I am a Sunbeam, thanks for Daddy and Dillon, thanks for Grandma Teri and Grandma Debbie, Jesus Christ Amen!!" Can you tell what songs we sang just before her prayer?? It is so much fun to see how they learn and grow. She is a LITTLE stubborn but at last I heard her first prayer and it was well worth the wait!

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Sick Days!!

So this is totally random, but I'm sick. I have been thinking all day back to the "good old days." Remember when your mom would take care of you, make you warm soup, let you lay in front of the TV or in bed all day, and you had nothing to worry about. Now my "sick day" is no different from any other day, except more trips to the bathroom (sorry for the graphics!!). I have tried to get Mykell to watch movies or something with less running around but of course today she has extra amounts of energy!! So here is to the good old days, thanks mom!!!

Friday, October 17, 2008


Okay so we were outside playing today and I took some random pictures in the leaves, I know not the best but it was fun. Poor Porter kept sinking into the leaves and trying to eat them, so he did not get to participate for very long!!!

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Monday, October 13, 2008

Mykell's Big "Twip"!!!

Cousin Whitney and Elliot at dinner
Mykell eating whipped Cream (before spreading it on the mirror behind her with her tounge--embarrassing!!!
Mykell and Dad looking at fish at Cabela's
Mykell at Cabela's (I know wierd to take pictures at Cabela's!!)
Great Grandma Sobieray and Baby Porter
Porter sleeping in his bed/carseat!!
Mykell, Porter and Grandpa Bill
Grandma Sobieray, Elliot, Mykell and Porter!!
Ladd and Adrianne at the Cheesecake Factory!!!

So we just got back from our weekend getaway to St. George and Las Vegas. It started out pretty ruff, we had our car breakdown on the way and on Saturday it spent 6 hours at the mechanic getting the alternator, battery and starter replaced, not a lot of fun!! Saturday was my cousin Brady's wedding the ceremony was so neat, I love the St. George temple it's very pretty. It was an all white wedding. We missed the lunch due to the car, and the reception was beautiful. We got to see my Grandma Soberiay in St. George that was great we haven't seen her since Thanksgiving. On Sunday we drove to Las Vegas, to see as many people as we could fit into a day. We saw my Grandpa Bill, and Grandma Mary and went to lunch with them at Sweet Tomatoes, has anyone else eaten there it was really good!! Then we went to my uncle Danny's house, which is HUGE and beautiful. Then we headed over to the mall (yes I know that it was a Sunday, but what happens in Vegas...!!). We went to the Disney store--which Mykell loved, and got her a Tinkerbell costume for Halloween, and some clothing stores. Mary came with us and that was fun, she got Mykell a cute Tinkerbell doll!! Next we went to see Grandma Sobieray and her husband Don's house. Mykell was a little crazy at their house, sorry Grandma!! She was so excited to see her "Grandma Debbie Sobieray" again. Then we went with them, my uncle Ladd his wife Adriane and my cousin Whitney to the Cheesecake Factory--yummm!! Then we drove up the strip and showed Mykell the lights (hopefully that's all she saw, I don't think it's kid approved we won't be doing that again!!!). Then is was back to St. George. Today we took our time, and made the must needed stop at Cabela's--soo fun??? Finally we made it home with a car that works but empty wallets!!! It was soo fun to see our family, I miss them so much. The kids really were troopers!! Thanks everyone that helped us out, we love you all!! (My picture got out of order the first four are supposed to be the last, I don't have time to fix them!!)

Monday, October 6, 2008


Okay so I have posted quite a bit about my little guy Porter, I feeling like I'm leaving out my firecracker Mykell!! She is CRAZY, but so much fun. She keeps me running all the time. The things she comes up with make me laugh so hard. She is a goer, and only stops occasionally to sleep. She can be pretty hard, but soo worth it. She is so social, and fun. She loves everyone she meets. Oh, and I think she is gorgeous, I love her big brown eyes!! Life would be dull without her. I just love her!!!

Friday, October 3, 2008

Blessing Photos

So I got the pictures from Elliot's mom yesterday of Porter's blessing. They are so fun to look at, I love them all. Thanks so much Debbie, they will be great to have for years to come!!! I posted some of my favorites. I want to let all our family know that we were so glad that you all could come to this special day. I love you all and love spending time together.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

2 Months Old

So Porter turned two months old on Sunday, I can't believe how time flies. We blessed him Sunday and it was such a wonderful day. I took a couple pictures before church, they are not great but I couldn't resist. I took a couple yesterday in a fun little onsie from uncle Travis and aunt Hannah~~I thought Trav might enjoy them!! Porter is so cute, and growing so fast. He has been the best addition to our family I can imagine!!! I love that he knows who we are now and recognizes faces, it makes things so rewarding. It's hard to leave him for work, but so much fun to see him when I get home.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Weekly update!!

So this week has been kind of crazy we have been a little busy, but having fun!!! Last week Mykell had some fun with mom at the park, while dad was fishing. We got to tend our cousin Radley, who is sooooo cute. He was blessed on Sunday I forgot my camera so you'll have to imagine how cute he looked by his picture above, he is the baby with hair on his head!!! Then this week I started back to work. I wasn't really looking forward to it, but it had to be done. We now are getting ready for Porter's blessing on Sunday, I have a lot to do but hopefully we can get it all done!! Porter smiled for the first time this week(finally) it is so fun to have him recognize me. It kind of makes all the hard work worth it!! So I know your all dying to know, but I can finally run a mile ( I will not tell you how long it took)!!!!! Only 25.2 more to go ahhhhhhhhhhh! I know I've got a lot of hard work to do but I know I can do it.
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Thursday, September 18, 2008


I think Porter's purple face really adds to the picture!!
This is my favorite of Mykell
This shows a little of her stinker face!!
Here we were telling her to show the lady her teeth (to try and get her to smile) this is what we got!
This is my favorite of Porter
Notice his cute shoes, thanks Amanda!

So I finally got the kids pictures back. They turned out better than I thought, not as good as I had hoped. I am really sad that I didn't get a good one of them together. Oh, well better luck next time I guess. I just hope that next time doesn't come too soon!!